Organisation name: PM_TEN
4 helix category: Companies
Type of actor: SME
Overall Description: The establishment of PM_TEN (Physical Methods and Technologies for Environmental Needs) has been developed as part of the Spin-Off project of the University of Genoa. PM_TEN offers a connection between the world of academic research and the business market, from one side proposing applications of results of research, in particular the activity developed in the Environmental Physics Laboratory; and from the other side, being itself a driving force for new progresses of the methods developed in the academic context. The main activities of the Company are related to weather and marine forecast, dispersion of pollutants in fluids, characterization of air pollution sources, study of Eolic potential, determination of different types of pollutants (dust, radioactive isotopes, noise, non-ionizing radiation) and of their sources in environmental matrices, compositional analysis of materials including non-destructive techniques. PM_TEN srl is part of a network of laboratories and university spin-off companies with diversified and complementary skills. Activities: Environmental monitoring (monitoring of particulate matter; air pollution analysis; identification, characterization and apportionment of process sources of pollution; monitoring of radioactive isotopes; preparation of filters for atmospheric sampling). Air quality modeling (simulation and analysis of atmospheric pollutants concentrations, impact analysis and source apportionment; accidental releases impact simulations; support an impact reduction for planned actions, future scenarios study and analysis) Meteorological and marine modeling (sclimatological studies and simulation of past events; delivery on an operational basis of meteorological fields at continental and regional scales; very-high resolution atmospheric simulations, production of meteorological fields to study the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere; delivery of meteorological fields to simulate the fire propagation in forests; ocean modeling) Compositional analysis (elemental and compositional analysis; radiometric analyses)